Resumption, After a Couple of Days Off

I took a couple of days off from blogging, as well as from the programming activities I have been recording.  I hope to add more kinds of activities to my record, and I’ll start with this entry.

So, my goals for today are:

  • to meet with Jackie Rosen, if we arrange, to help proofread entries in the RVUUF Spring into Auction 2017 Catalog.  (tomorrow)
  • to continue the Eclipse tutorial, (done)
  • to add to the auction DB application programs , and
  • to begin to explain how my activities are in support of my purposes.

The day before yesterday, I went to RVUUF early, to print proxy bidder sheets as I promised, but the printer I could access was completely out of toner.  I then went into the balcony to “shadow” Walter in his execution of AV support duties, and continued through the early part of the day being social.  The rest of the day, as during all day Monday, I played Galactic Civilizations II, interspersed with some social networking.  Some of that social networking was in pursuit of my purposes.  I’ll try to add in linking to those posts which are, when I make them.

My top purpose is to contribute to the development of a more benevolent, equitable, and just society, and I believe that Humanism is the best framework for accomplishing most of this purpose.  I’ll explain later why I don’t think that a mythical theistic religious framework is not, though, as I think, it has been instrumental in the past for that.  Many of my posts, or comments, in social networking (on Facebook) are defining or promoting Humanism.

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