Clean-up Checklist

This is my clean-up checklist, to be expanded: Entered Action Done 201707051412 Empty bottles of solution 201707051414 Wash dishes in shopping bag 201707051414 Get hangers from van, hang up clothes Changelog: Views: 106

Back, Again

I haven’t given up!  Neither on blogging, or on trying to get my life together.  I have been reliable and responsible in volunteering through RVUUF, but not in doing things in my own interest.  I…

Adding to my Plate

In addition to improving my suite of scripts for auction support, and (re)learning to use Eclipse, for the purpose of producing Android apps, for the purpose -please, excuse the recursion of purpose- of employing Android…

Resumption of Web Logging

So, work for the auction, mentioned in previous posts, took my energy, so I haven’t been posting.  That’s over now, other than work I’ll do to improve my script suite and database for next time,…

Back In the Game… Or Out of it, At Last

I’ve been compulsively playing Galactic Civilizations III for the last few days.  I controlled my indulgence in that, this morning, and I’m back to work, now.  My goals for today are: Craft input web page…

A Couple More Days Away

I tried to post a couple of days ago, but forgot my password. Oh, well… So, my goals for today are: work toward processing camera images using Java (because that is what is supported on…

Resumption, After a Couple of Days Off

I took a couple of days off from blogging, as well as from the programming activities I have been recording.  I hope to add more kinds of activities to my record, and I’ll start with…