Today’s Forays in Facebook Philosophy – 2018-11-4
I’m still having difficulty recovering the progress in getting my balance in my life, in what I do, in how I spend my attention and time. Today, I have responded to a defensive dismissal with…
I’m still having difficulty recovering the progress in getting my balance in my life, in what I do, in how I spend my attention and time. Today, I have responded to a defensive dismissal with…
I’m in recovery from a bout of monomania, getting wrapped up in plans and preparations for my move to Half Moon Haven, Whispering Ranch, Maricopa County, Arizona (near Phoenix). I’ve engaged in some since my…
In which I criticize the apparent pseudo-scientific sophistry of Jordan Peterson…. Views: 106
Taking a new friend back home to Seattle Thursday, and returning Friday took a lot out of me. More so than could have been, because I thought I’d be returning Thursday night, so I didn’t…
I’m reading a book by Vern Crawford, off and on, A Theory of Everything, with which I disagree. His “everything” is only whatever he is experiencing at the moment. One of the sections listed in…
I’ve been away from FB for a couple days, working on getting my own life together. This morning, I see that Leila has not acknowledged that she implied an argument from analogy. I tried again…
There is a pseudo-scientific test, which I have experienced, in which reaction to some claimed health-affecting food or technology by the muscles used in holding an arm extended horizontally, can indicate the efficacy and the…
It wasn’t until the ninth of last month, September, that I began blogging daily. Thus, I missed posting a notice of my essay on my FaceBook page about one of the values most important to…
I’ve been slowing down my engagement in the exercise of Philosophy on Facebook, as well as in composition of essays, here. New topics, and variations, and intersectional (synthetic) treatments occur to me many mornings, so…
I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so, this morning, I’ve really been dragging. My depression is enough to keep me home, but I have not been escapist, playing FO4 too much -a few minutes…