A Proof of No Designer of the Universe

I offer this argument, using the rule of Logic called Modus Tollens, to prove that there is no rational designer of the Universe.

1. If there is a designer of the Universe, then that designer must be rational.
2. If the designer of the Universe is rational, it must have designed the all the most fundamental constants of physical structure of the Universe to be rational.
3. If all the most fundamental constants of the physical structure of the Universe are rational, then the ratio of the circumference of a circle (in space-time of 0 curvature, a.k.a. Euclidean) to its diameter must be rational.
4. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is not rational.
5. [3,4,MT] Therefore, not all the most fundamental constants of the physical structure of the Universe are rational.
6. [2,5,MT] Therefore, the [hypothetical] designer of the Universe is not rational.
7. [1,6,MT] Therefore, there is no designer of the Universe.

I must confess that I offer this proof facetiously, because it depends upon an equivocation, being different meanings of “rational”. [Well, to be honest, I had not realized that fallacy when I conceived of this, before getting out of bed; my exercise of critical thinking, the asking “what may be wrong with this?” on my own idea showed me it was flawed.] It also depends on an unwarranted assumption, that a designer must be rational. What this does not do is rule out a mad creator god.

Why would I post a fallacious argument, facetiously? It is to shine a mirror to the fallacious arguments of theists, who use the same kinds of fallacies, in their arguments, but inadequately criticize them.

We simply do not know if there was any personal creator/designer of the Universe. I think the Chaos we observe, not only in the Universe, but in our own environments, is evidence that there is not.

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