Today’s Forays in Philosophy – 2018-12-1

Hello, World!

Today, I resume logging my amateur work in Philosophy, and reaffirm my intended modus operandi of beginning my documentation of tasks therein at the start of execution. I am going to try to do this so strictly, that I will indicate it by use of the present tense.

So, I start my morning by returning to the composition a more complex analysis of socio-political views, as I’ve promised, as I have summarized in outline. Oh! I find that there is already a name for my approach: syncretic politics*. I have progress, but my attention is wandering, so I saved the draft, and I turn to Facebook, to resume dialogs. I will refrain myself from engaging in new dialogs, until I wrap up my current engagements.

I learn from Wikipedia that “syncretic politics” does not indicate a multi-spectral analysis of politics, but a practical approach that chooses positions by issues, rather than by identification with any of the “camps”.

The only dialog to which I attended was one in which my correspondent seems hesitant to justify his calling some other “Islamophobics [sic]”

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