I’m reading a book by Vern Crawford, off and on, A Theory of Everything, with which I disagree. His “everything” is only whatever he is experiencing at the moment. One of the sections listed in the table of contents promises to address the accusation of his theory as solipsistic, and -I admit my biased presumption- I expect to find that it shall come down to some dodge, some equivocation.
However, it being that I have a model to propose of elementary constituents, (soon to be) formerly known as particles, and a model of gravity that could be the tie-in between quantum mechanics and gravity, which I expect to be a significant contribution of the “holy grail” of Physics, a Theory of Everything, reading Vern’s book brought me to think of composing a more general theory of everything.
A Theory of Everything: Reality & Truth
In my view, reality is the total sum of causes and effects, whether observed by humans or not. I could stop right there, but let’s clear up any confusions. After that, we can add some complications back into the mix.
[To be deleted: I’ve started this too late, because I’ve been otherwise engaged, and I’m getting sleepy, blunting my creativity… or confidence in it. I’ll try to finish this tomorrow.]
I was hoping to get back to this this afternoon, but I was called away to help resolve a problem, and my involvement took six hours. After that, I was exhausted, and after a nap, I felt compelled to do some cleaning, language learning, and programming learning. Tomorrow isn’t going to go for this, either.
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