The Importance of Truth to Me

It wasn’t until the ninth of last month, September, that I began blogging daily. Thus, I missed posting a notice of my essay on my FaceBook page about one of the values most important to me, Truth. I was considering a redrafting of it, and, I estimate, doing so should not have taken the time I used to find it. If only I could remember a variation I conceived on “OK: it is the total sum of possible true statements. That doesn’t mean “possibly true statements”, but all the true statements that can possibly be made, without limitation of our senses and instruments.”, a new edition might still be warranted.

The occasion of my efforts, my thinking about this was considering writing a letter to the editors of a local newspaper, and to whatever newspaper is popular in Wickenburg, Arizona, the largest of the three cities or towns to the Half-Moon Haven (HMH), in the Whispering Ranch subdivision, and to the representatives of the precinct in which HMH is located.

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