Today’s Forays in Facebook Philosophy – 2018-10-18

I’ve been slowing down my engagement in the exercise of Philosophy on Facebook, as well as in composition of essays, here. New topics, and variations, and intersectional (synthetic) treatments occur to me many mornings, so my back-log is growing. I’ll be working at balancing my activities, so that I spend at least some time on this, everyday.

I didn’t log my engagement last night though. Whoops!

This afternoon, I opened up a notification I had passed over last evening, and refuted the fallacious argument from analogy, as well as the unsupportable a priori estimate of probability, and the argument from ignorance.

Invited by a friend, I debunk an erroneous and faulty generalization about atheists, and their basis for morality, as well as explain, in brief, how subjective morality is objectified.

To a commenter who makes a silly claim about atheists being self-contradicting, I explain why he is wrong.

After I rebutted her attempt at the false analogy, Leila threw a whole bunch of other stuff at me. Were this a conversation, it was the equivalent of a “Gish Gallop”. With it being in a typed forum (or copy-pasted as she did), it is not so hard to back up and focus, then go on.

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