I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so, this morning, I’ve really been dragging. My depression is enough to keep me home, but I have not been escapist, playing FO4 too much -a few minutes now and then- but I’ve been communicating, even about subjects I’d procrastinated for two years, now, and I’ve been learning some from YouTube videos about skills and methods I’ll need to begin developing Half-Moon Haven.
I did miss filling in for Daniel at the Welcome Office, and did not fulfill my prediction that I’d make it in there, though late. I also postponed an engagement with a friend until after my session with my therapist.
I realize, though, while I type this that some of my learning was excessive, in that I’m not going to prepare for those, yet, and is likely escapist, after all. I did curtail it, trimming back gradually on tabs I had open in Firefox for the YT search results, so that I could turn my attention to what I need to do today.
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