Today, I realized that I was not fully cleaning up after myself, in that, when cleaning up a legacy mess, I’d toss some of the trash, returnables, and recyclables in a spot, staging them for later sorting and bagging. I considered such items to be articles from previous messes, not from what I was doing at the moment. That practice resulted in accumulations of stuff. I think I had been percolating this idea, subconsciously, for a couple of days.
So, now I consider cleaning up a legacy mess a current activity, and will try to follow up immediately on what I redistribute, to get it organized, bagged, and taken out.
Another improvement is a determination that, when I perform less than optimally the previous day, I will prioritize attending to those activities, in time. I succeeded in doing that this morning.
I’ve been ramping up my research and planning for Half-Moon Haven (HMH), my next residence. I’ve listed some criteria for securing HMH. Now to list some of my purposes in occupying HMH.
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