Today’s Forays in Mastering my Fate, Captaining my Soul – 2018-10-8

Today has the first new Moon of my preparation to move from Ashland, Oregon. I expect to be returning to Half-Moon Haven, Whispering Ranch, Arizona, west of Wittmann, and south of Wickenburg, near Phoenix, Arizona. If I do go there, all of my family and friends are welcome to visit, even beyond the three days implicitly recommended by Benjamin Franklin -but, please, not all at once. 😉 There is one condition that should change my mind about moving to Arizona, and cause me to stay in Oregon, and I am working toward fulfilling that condition.

I do have criteria in mind, and soon in my self-management spreadsheet, that I feel I must fulfill before I really am ready to start the next phase of my life, and I will evaluate them, with the aid of that spreadsheet, periodically. All of those periods start today. This is t = 0.

I have tabs for each of those periods, less the two of which I thought to add this morning, so the first thing to do is to flesh those out.

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