I started by following up on a response to a dialectic question, trying to engage in some Linguistics -I don’t know whether the engagement should be categorized Semantics or Pragmatics- about “deserving” and “earning”.
I paused playing Fallout 4 for my pre-noon break, to start up some video on YouTube to slake off some of my excess brain cycles -not every span of time playing FO4 is highly engaging- and saw a video that tickled my confirmation bias: a criticism of Tomi Lahren. Other than the ableist characterizations, I appreciated the video, but was bothered by the title, so I commented on the video, tweeted to the producer, and also commented on the Facebook post of this video.
It was a little nit-picky of me, too pedantic, maybe, but I pointed out a Hasty Generalization at the conclusion of a comment indicating some frustration or implication of how unpopular Traitor Trump is.
I objected to an implicit condemnation of “privilege” in a post by a friend, and there was counter-objection. I am engaging in some dialog about the meaning and value of “privilege”.
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