I have more ideas for weblog posts than time I can afford to compose them.
So, I wish to record them, so I don’t let any “slip through the cracks” [of my skull].
Epistemology: Justification
Abortion “Rights” are Rights for Self-determination
Rape and my Experience
The Need for Truth and Transparency in Government
Fallacy of the Day
Well, see, I’ve already run out of enough time to remember all of my concepts.
The Jesus Christ of Paul is not the Jesus of Nazareth of the Gospels
Bad vs. Good Jesus in the Gospels
How the Subjective Becomes Objective: Overcoming the False Dichotomy
The Relationship between Humanism and Feminism
The Relationship between Agnosticism and Atheism (Including Differentiating Definitions)
Anthropogenic Theology
Sophistry in Modal Logic
Modus Tollens on Scriptures: Why None of the Torah & Tanakh, the Bible, nor the Qur’an are the “Word of God”
Views: 131
Will keep checking back
To see your tactic for expanding and continuing.
My “tactic”? Are we in a Culture War, or something?