
If the Senate consents to the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, I must conclude that we under a tyranny, and decide what I must do, considering that I still respect my oath to “uphold and defend the Constitution”. The regressive Republicans in Congress and have been derelict in their duty, and tyrannically misusing their powers to obstinately obstruct actions of government which we, the people, are requiring of it, and to undemocratically manipulate the system to maintain their power, as well as being complicit in an attack of cyber-warfare from Russia against our democratic institutions.

If this happens, I will be adding to my considerations what to do to support my decisions in this matter, as I prepare for whatever the next phase of my life is.

Senator Jeff Flake (R-Arizona), who seems to be the lone Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to be unsure of the truth of the matters before them, can take the responsibility of moving for requesting an investigation by professional, responsible, and impartial agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If he is honest in his ostensible unsureness, then this is the only prudent action.

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