Today’s Forays in Facebook Philosophy – 2018-9-28

Every exercise of reasoning, of critical thinking, today shall be solely on the dereliction of duty of the regressive Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee in failing to hold the nomination procedure for Judge Brett Kavanaugh until results from re-opening the background investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation into both the allegations of sexual assault by him and of perjury in previous nomination hearings.

I find the testimony of Dr. Blasey Ford to be credible, though I reserve a decision to believe her, fully, until full investigation, and that of Kavanaugh to be less credible, for his displays of deceptive behavior, evasively deflecting from directly answering some questions, and of histrionics.

I expressed my attitude in a previous post, which I linked to a FB group of political interest, as well as pasting in an urgent request to committee member Jeff Flake (R-Arizona). I scrolled down, past all posts on any other issue, then reacted to a dismissive evaluation of her testimony.

I also responded to a posting of news about the American Bar Association (ABA) urging holding the confirmation process until a rigorous investigation can be conducted.

I must correct my record: there is yet one issue more important, that of the treason committed by Donald J. Trump, elected by the Electoral College in contravention of the political will of the people of these United States. I, therefore, contradicted an allegation that Bush was worse than Trump.

I agreed with a video by Time’s Up Now, shared by another member of that political group, but extended the sentiment. I also posted that comment to the video, and replied to a comments showing fallacious accusation of political opponents.

I also rebutted a condemnation of the use of polygraph testing.

After viewing that Senator Jeff Flake committed to withholding support on the floor of the Senate unless there is additional investigate into the allegations presently brought before the Senate, I’ve calmed down enough to turn some attention to other matters. Thus, I objected to a sexual slur against Malala Yousafzai

I also addressed a challenge, but with some tutorial on some basic Statistics, for a common understanding.

I have continued in trying to effectively rebut a claim that “Atheism is a religion”.

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