It is with mixed emotions of determination, gratitude, grief and joy, that I announce my departure from Ashland, Oregon, and from Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, RVUUF. the end of the calendar month, February. I have decided that I am ready, or shall be, by December, to enter the next phase of my life, which requires closer proximity to a college offering a degree that shall prepare me for my desired future career.
The fellowship of joys and sorrows, of love and responsibility, of openness and honesty, at RVUUF have met four of my five social goals, as well as being instrumental in my achieving my singular psychological goal, all of which I determined in anticipation of leaving Houston, Texas, my prior residence. If, perchance, that fifth one happens to be met before December, I may have to rethink my priorities. 😉
I have not yet decided where my next residence is to be. I have some criteria in mind, and I’ll search for candidate locations fitting those. I do have some personal requirements I feel I must meet before January, to continue my intention of departing. So, it is possible that I’ll be staying an additional three, five or eight new Moons.
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