Because I missed enabling and setting up registrations, until yesterday, I had not had any, and, thus no comments on my posts. Mea culpa.
I started my review of, and improvement in, American Sign Language, yesterday, initiating it on my thirteenth straight day of learning Arabic. I am using the videos posted by Bill Vicars, on YouTube. I’m reviewing the fingerspelling first, since there are a couple letters on which I try to confuse myself, and one, I think, I flat don’t remember.
I hope to accelerate my additions of disciplined, regular learning. My priority is going to be in the order in which I add them, so, if in a day, I can’t get to them all, I’ll keep my longer streaks going.
Oh, I forgot, until I looked down at my practice sheet: I’ve decided to memorize Invictus, by William Ernest Henley. I’m not planning that the memorization of poetry shall be a regular discipline, at this time.
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