I’m going to get back to my detailed criticism of the post and supporting comment of Daniel Sepulveda, but first, I’m warming up with some socializing, and light rebuttal of fallacious reasoning.
To a comment by, presumably, a Muslim, trying to defend the honor of Islam from the shame of rude behavior by another Muslim, I pointed out the fallacy of No True Scotsman.
In discussion of a post by Hassan Radwan, whom I admire and respect, I pointed out fallacies of Hasty Generalization and Special Pleading.
In a woo-ful reply, to a rebuttal of a fallacious use of Argument from Analogy, logged yesterday, I think, I discern Appeal to Authority, Hasty Generalization, and Fallacy of Composition.
I also rebutted the offensive defenses of Daniel Sepulveda, and I’m glad I recorded it all, because I am now blocked. I will follow up on this in another post.
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