I think today, that I’ll try noting what the content of OPs, OCs, and replies, and my intended support or objection is, before I type there. This way, I’ll be less likely to miss logging it here.
Yesterday, I rebutted a counter-argument given in attempt to support Homeopathy, by refuting one of the “principles” of that pseudo-science. In that rebuttal, I suggested that the apologist learn Chemistry. This morning, I claims to have done so, so I reviewed the refuting characteristics of water.
Yesterday, I explained why “Slippery Slope” arguments are fallacious. There were replies, but I did not need to give any follow-up.
Also, yesterday, I engaged with an apparent ally, trying to correct his misuse of a word. This morning, I had to provide more evidence and challenge.
New territories opened up, starting with this ill-formed (and ill-informed) hypothetical. At first, I accepted his hypothetical, instead of rejecting it, as some others did, but pointed out problems that prevent resolution of it. Later, I find the poster misinterpreting some rebuttals, and another one posting support containing sophistry.
Following some discussion of Urdu, one respondent gave his pantheistic view. I rebutted, one by pointing out a possible Fallacy of Composition, and by a counter-argument. He later gave a fallacious attempt at an argument by analogy, but his first premise was false, and even if it were true, the argument should fail for insufficient similarity.
To a post of a short video about stellar nucleosynthesis by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, some one tried to claim credit for a bronze-age concept of a god for this, and to claim that the scientific findings were included in the books with the “revelations” from that god. I refuted that claim, as well as his subsidiary claim that we educated people dismiss the knowledge held by ancient peoples.
Yesterday, I rebutted and refuted some nonsense bullshit, and today, I reviewed and edited it, correcting an adjective to an adverb, and deleting a doubled section.
Shortly before going to bed, I checked Facebook, and found I had been tagged. It was in some question occasioned by a poorly composed conspiracy hoax by Daniel Sepulveda in an attempt to attack the Theory of Evolution. I will rebut every point I can in that foolish screed.
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