This morning, I meant to log all the arguments, all the refutations, all the lessons in Logic and Fallacies, but I got too much momentum going, to remember.
I’ll try to recover some of those.
I still got too wrapped up in the discussions.
Update, 2018-9-18: Going through my notifications, I find some to which I need not reply. On this ambiguous post, which may be a denial of liberal versions of Islam, or an implied argument to the absurd, I added a comment to either initiate an, or add to the, argument to the absurd.
To a comment on another post by the same author, I offered another argument to the absurd, to refute a claim quoted by the OP in his argument to the absurd. This makes me lean to that interpretation of the previous listed.
I weighed in, again, in a week-old debate, trying to help Logic and reasoning skills, following up on my reply of three days prior. The original commenter might delete this thread, since he, as a result, understood his error in thinking.
Views: 103