Marginal Performance, Self-Reward for Fulfillment

So, my boss sent me an email after our conversation, and I ought to have replied to the email, to cultivate a sense of assurance that I would fulfill my commitment, but I couldn’t make myself do it.  I can only rationally speculate about the mechanics of my subconscious, but I think my chronic depression took advantage of the fact that I’d be showing up, in person, this morning.  However, I found that my lack of prompt email response left my boss in some unease, so I think that I’ll be more aware that immediate reply shall meet immediate need, and that knowledge shall provide the “energy of activation” that I need to get out of whatever escape in which I am indulging.

But, at her recommendation of a fairly local eatery, I splurged in a couple of Reubens, one for me, and one for a friend, chalking it up to a self-reward for getting up & out, and to work.

My plan for today is to continue my review of the Eclipse tutorials, and get some cleaning up done, with photo documentation.  I’m not going so far as to provide video documentation.

Noted, more briefly, at my FB page

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